Synch bikes are becoming more and more popular due to their cool looks, comfortable seat and relatively affordable price. However just like any other bicycle they do occasionally have problems and not every bike shop is confident working on Synch bikes. Wheelie Bike Shop is Dorset's only workshop that is recommended by Synch! We have full access to all genuine Synch parts for any repairs or servicing.

Synch Servicing:
It's always a great idea to have an annual service on your Synch to ensure it is running smoothly and in safe roadworthy condition. At Wheelie Bike Shop we have e-bike services starting from £80. You can book a specific service date on our website and we even offer collection & delivery in our electric van! 🚙. Click here to book your Synch Service
Unfortunately punctures are inevitable on any bike and Synch's are no exception. The innertubes used on Synch bikes are a little unusual (schrader 20 x 3.8/4 tube) but fortunately we always keep stock of these as well as spare tyres. The other complex element of fixing punctures is removing the rear Bafang motor wheel from the bike which can be very awkward. Save yourself the hassle and book your puncture repair online!
Electrical Issues:
If you're unlucky and your Synch develops an electrical issue whether that be a faulty headlight or the motor cuts out unexpectedly then we'll be happy to help. We're highly experienced with these sorts of issues having replaced entire electrical systems, fixed battery carriers, replaced headlights, fitting new displays and switches. With this sort of problem the best thing to do is give us a call or bring your bike in for us to assess and provide you with a quote.
The most important part of your Synch when it comes to safety is the brakes. Due to the increased speed on e-bikes you'll find you wear through brake pads much faster than you would on a conventional bike. Disc brakes are fitted on all Synch's, some older models have cable operated disc brakes and newer ones have hydraulic brakes. As part of our service packages your brake pads will be checked for their wear and replaced if needed. Tell tale signs that your brakes are not working correctly are squeaking sounds when braking or the brake lever pulls all the way to the grip. Book online for us to fix your brakes
Where are we based?
Wheelie Bike Shop is based in Poole, Dorset, UK. We can collect and deliver your Synch from your home at a time that suits you. Call us on 01202 028162